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Atelier Fjellsol

The art studio is the sanctuary dedicated to focused work hours. A good work studio is among the most valuable tools for a visual artist and can take time to develop.

First Liv Fjellsol only practiced simple painting techniques during her spare time while managing a busy marketing company (Coral Design, with the side gig Coral Domeneregistrering) as well as during Monday visits with her colleague and mentor Margot Tønseth (the founder and principal of Birralee International School). A cooperation which resulted in five duo exhibitions (2003-12) and their continued Monday talks.


Over time her art took over as a full time occupation. Atelier Fjellsol, a tailor made art studio for Fjellsol´s oil paintings, was finally built in 2012. The art studio, and the rural surroundings, became a beloved space which allowed dedicated focus on developing her works.

Since 2017 an increasing amount of international cooperations, time consuming travelling and challenging social distance, were among the factors which made it necessary to consider relocating to a central art studio and interdisciplinary office surroundings. The extensive relocation was completed in 2023, or might be considered an ongoing process including growth pains and gains.

The art studio is usually not open for visitors. The best way to experience the works of art is to visit her exhibitions in art galleries, art museums and other venues. Take a look at the Exhibitions page to find available exhibitions near you, and/or contact the artist if there are none and you want to consider a purchase.

Galleri Fjellsol

Galleri Fjellsol (2016-2023)


The art gallery, dedicated to Liv Fjellsol´s works, also honored the artist´s multidisciplinary background by hosting monthly concerts and lectures.

"Galleri Fjellsol er en liten stor juvel blant konsertarrangører i Norge i dag. Fjellsol har med sin tilstedeværelse klart å skape et unikt sted for intime musikkopplevelser hvor både artister og publikum føler seg ivaretatt. Alle musikere jeg kjenner, som har spilt konsert i Galleri Fjellsol, vil tilbake!"  

- jazz musician and producer, Jacob Young, 2019.

The pandemic social distance requirements (2020-2022) delayed most international art exhibitions and allowed time to study research theories and methods. Liv Fjellsol developed a growing interest within arts-based research; which rural Norway did not provide for. Galleri Fjellsol arranged its last events in 2023. She first sold the art gallery and then the art studio properties, to allow more time for the development of artworks and theoretical studies.

Liv Fjellsol is very thankful for all local, national and international visitors who found their way to the rural art gallery. Some became precious colleagues, friends and inspiration for further work and cooperations. An ambivalent farewell to Galleri Fjellsol, and a very welcome central relocation of Atelier Fjellsol, allows more time and energy for further development of visual art and interdisciplinary theory.


Gallery Fjellsol was kept open for as many events as possible, in addition to the Fjellsol artworks, and functioned as a proud host of big quality small concerts and lectures. Listed here are some of the people who performed on or off stage in the art- and music gallery. Thank you:


Liv Fjellsol bought the business property early October 2016. After intensive and extensive renovations, inside and out, Gallery Fjellsol opened at the end of November the same year. Thanks to the many professional workers, in addition to family and friends, who made the impressive and efficient transformation possible. Among several measures, for sustainability and well-being, during the following year(s) various big or small trees and bushes were planted to enhance biodiversity. 


The gallery stage developed further thanks to artists such as Daithi Rua, Lewi Bergrud, Jon Anders Narum, Miriam Våga, Bendik Hofseth, Paolo Vinaccia, Jacob Young, Erik Harstad, Bjørn Thomassen, Børre Flyen, Sidiki Camara, Kristin Asbjørnsen, Olav Torget, Gjermund Silset, Steinar Albrigtsen, Monika Nordli, Ernst Nikolaisen, etc.


Sigbjørn Johnsen, Arthur Buchardt, Tre Ferme, Siri Christensen, Sjur Lundstein, Henhouse, Nils Einar Vinjor, Jørun Bøgeberg, Trond Augland, Jacob Young, Siril Malmedal Hauge, Cecilie Wendel, Erik Harstad, Sigurd Hole, Jarle Vespestad, Håkon Aase, Nils Petter Molvær, Valkyrien Allstars, Tuva Syvertsen, Erik Sollid, Martin Langlie, Ola Hilmen, Magnus Larsen, Grethe Svensen, Lars Jones, Torbjørn Økland, Lewi Bergrud, Jon Anders Narum, Miriam Våga, Jan Ingvoldstad, Mensa, Kristin Asbjørnsen, Olav Torget, Suntou Susso, Jørn Hoel, Trond Berg, Bendik Hofseth, etc.​


Wasim Zahid, Power Supply, Jørn Fodnestøl, Trond Nagell-Dahl, Leif Anders Wentzel, Trond Augland, Knut Reiersrud, Ellen Andrea Wang, Andreas Ulvo, Aslak Opsahl Brimi, Mari Midtli, Sinfonietta Innlandet, Hans Olav Lahlum, Eli Kristin Hanssveen, Gunnar Flagstad, Javid Afsari Rad, Adrian Fiskum Myhr, Trygve Seim, Kaveh Mahmudiyan, Mensa, Jacob Young, Håkon Mjåset Johansen, Jo Fougner Skaansar, Ellen Løvseth, Knut Anders Sørum, Iver Olav Erstad, Anne-Marie Giørtz, Eivind Aarset, Peter Baden, Frode Alnæs, Steinar Albrightsen, Monika Nordli, Ernst Nikolaisen, etc.



Erik Harstad, Børre Flyen, Mensa, Knut Reiersrud, Return, Knut Erik Østgård, Tore Larsen, Øyvind Håkonsen, Henning Ramseth, Magnus Østvang, StyreAkademiet, etc. The concert series was abruptly put on hold due to Covid19 in March 2020.



The pandemic social distance requirements made concerts impossible. The art gallery was partly open for arranged visits and closed events.


The social distance requirements eased up a bit. The art- and music gallery was revitalised with concerts and lectures, in addition to the many smaller closed events. The gallery stage was visited by for instance Eli Kristin Hanssveen, Gunnar Flagstad, Trond Berg, Sigbjørn Johansen, StyreAkademiet, Mensa, MediYoga, etc.


Galleri Fjellsol was open for its last spring semester, as an art gallery and a busy host for various board meetings and seminars. A success with natural limits. To manage this property and its events - as a local side gig - took valuable time away from art and writing. The pandemic was a tragedy for too many, but the social distance also served as a useful reminder of core values. Starting the Galleri Fjellsol adventure was just as important as ending it; to get ready for new ones.

View the works


The art studio, Atelier Fjellsol, is a dedicated work space usually not open for visitors.


The best way to experience the works of art is to visit art galleries or museums. View the list of various art exhibitions to find a suitable event near you. 


(scroll the list to see all categories)

If Liv Fjellsol is not represented in your district, share your interest in Fjellsol and her visual art with your favorite venue, and it might become the next host for a duo or solo exhibition.


Found your favorite artwork on this website? It might be available for sale. Send your request by e-mail to 

© 2025 Liv Fjellsol 980 912 868

Phone: (+47) 454 21 200

Email: post (at)

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